KisanHub is a multi-award-winning online software solution for the agrifood industry, from grower to integrated producer.
Our platform is designed to improve the management and communication of complex data, improving collaboration, delivering high-quality produce and reducing waste, receiving live updates on field and store inventories.
KisanHub is a valued partner and trusted by the best in field. Our experienced and passionate agricultural team fully appreciate and understand how food is grown and the care and attention required to deliver it to consumer plates. Ultimately KisanHub simplifies how data moves through our food system.
What problems does KisanHub solve for fresh produce suppliers?
KisanHub's supply management software is designed to optimise agri-food supply chains by providing greater visibility and predictability of quality, yield, and harvest.
Filling the information gap between Farm Management Software and ERP, KisanHub provides one source of truth about crop progress – from farm to factory gate. No more spreadsheets, no more guesswork, just fast access to data-driven analytics and insights that Supplier Groups can use to improve margin, reduce waste and ensure fresh produce is supplied on time.
Our supply management platform works with all types of root crops and helps to solve many of the issues faced by businesses that regularly service retailers and food production companies with large volumes of fresh produce. Here are some of the problems we solve in the agri-food industry:
Uncertainty about quality leads to higher operating costs
KisanHub captures field, store and pre-arrival quality checks against market specification. This enables better decision making on marketable destinations, marketing period, operations and logistics. This significantly reduces the chances of loads being turned away at the packhouse or factory and minimises operating and labour costs.
Lack of marketable yield data creates supply chain uncertainties
KisanHub delivers real-time data on estimated yield by monitoring crop progress from the moment the seed is planted, through harvest until the crop is stored or delivered. For fresh produce businesses that routinely deal with multiple growers, each managing hundreds or even thousands of fields, this can be difficult to track. With so many variables involved in the growing process, volume can be difficult to predict. KisanHub brings your entire inventory from field or store into one intuitive interface so you can better forecast yield and manage stock more efficiently. The rich data available allows you to identify shortages and surpluses, make timely decisions to maximise financial performance and improve customer service.
Too much/too little data makes decision making difficult
Collecting the data you need to make business critical decisions can be time consuming – especially if it’s distributed across multiple, disparate platforms. Sometimes there’s too much of it; finding what you need is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Sometimes there’s just not enough information available to make a sensible decision. Once you’ve set up your fields and plots in KisanHub, many data sources such as satellite imagery and weather information are collected automatically and displayed in easy to read dashboards.
With a range of intuitive interfaces which can be accessed via web and mobile app, all stakeholders – including growers, procurement teams and commercial managers – can access the most relevant information so that decisions can be made quickly.
Lack of historic data to support continuous improvement
Fresh Produce Groups aim to review performance with their growers at the end of the season. Where insufficient data is available, this limits analysis and makes continuous improvement difficult. KisanHub increases transparency between grower and supplier groups by storing historical data such as soil type, variety, weather, planting dates and yields. Access to years of historic data gives fresh produce suppliers the opportunity to review grower performance KPIs and predict future seasons more accurately.
Data exists in silos
Many Fresh Produce Businesses are still using outdated technology or legacy platforms to manage their supply chain data. Those that are still relying on spreadsheets to manage complex supply chains and critical contracts are only truly understood by the individual who created them. This can severely limit analysis during and post-harvest. KisanHub collects and connects the data points which exist between the farm and ERP systems which are needed to manage fresh produce at scale. It also offers an Open API to integrate with third party systems. This allows information to be pulled into reporting tools or integrated with ERP, MRP and Demand planning tools.
Too much paper in the supply chain causes errors and inefficiencies
Paper delivery tickets are prone to error and create information bottlenecks. They are easily lost, take time to create, waste paper and are difficult to analyse. KisanHub provides digital load passports to provide a digital record of delivery. This reduces admin, removes paper from the supply chain and improves the flow of information. Paperless Load Passports are available in an easy to use app that works in the field, the yard and the office. Simple, standardised, and shareable data collection straight to the cloud.
Lack of provenance and traceability
Many organisations use ERP systems for their traceability, whilst they know which field the crop may have come from, as it was on the purchase receipt, often beyond this, further information is specifically held by the grower or on paper. Kisahub allows you to go beyond ERP, back to the field and demonstrate a more granular level of detail that supports the continued trend for provenance and transparency.
Critical Information not accessible when in field or away from the office
Kisanhub is a cloud based app for web and mobile and allows users to access data regardless of location. They can also add new information and share from anywhere.
IT security makes it difficult for growers and packers to share the same data
Whether it is a spreadsheet or an ERP, IT security makes it near impossible for growers and packers to use the same system to share information on crops. Kisanhub is designed to allow growers, grower groups and the purchasing company to allow data to be entered and shared in a controlled manner. Growers cannot see each other's data, grower groups can only see their growers data and growers can decide who they share their data with. This is essential for large Supplier Groups that need to share data with a wide range of growers and end customers such as supermarkets or food production companies.

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Leading fresh produce companies use KisanHub to make their supply chains more sustainable