To follow the recent announcement of the exciting updates to our software solutions, Max MacGillivray, Editor in Chief at Beanstalk Global hosted a live Q&A with our CEO & Co-Founder Giles Barker and VP of Product and Engineering Lisa Beattie. This includes examples of how our customers are harnessing this new visibility of their supply chain, that connects every seed to sale. Watch now below:
"What we are able to do now with software and cloud-based technology, which are used in our everyday life now, we are able to create technology that supplements what people have already been doing (in supply chain management) and bring it all in one place, and that's where you get the benefit to make more informed decisions." Giles Barker.
"What is not happening in the industry at the moment, is any connection through the 'messy middle' of the supply chain, so what our platform does is allows that Producer Groups and aggregators and crop marketing companies that sit in the middle of the supply chain, help them get eyes on the crop." Lisa Beattie.
We started these live discussions because we believe that the businesses that are able to harness the opportunities that come with the digital transformation will be the winners of the future. The objective of this discussion series is to share the learnings and experiences with the listeners on digitalisation and innovation in general.